A call for a final betrayal against the Prespa agreement was filed by VMRO-DPMNE – SKAI (www.skai.gr)



As the spokesman for the opposition of Skopje says, the lawsuit concerns the theft of treason, the risk of independence, the cartel for having committed hostile acts and the Abuse of power

AP Photo / Boris Grdanoski" />
05/07/2018 – 21:40


< img width = "660" height = "340" src = "http://www.skai.gr/files/temp//ED58B4D0AA06DE353A6386E0B18AAF7A.jpg" alt = "Foreign Minister Nikola Dimitrov, Speaker of Parliament Talat Tseferi and all the deputies "who voted in favor of the unconstitutional and illegal agreement with the Hellenic Republic" were deposed by the representative of the VMRO-DPMNE to the Office of the Prosecutor of Organized Crime

As stated by the speech of the opposition of Skopje, the lawsuit concerns injustice

It is worth noting that the negotiation of the agreement and the adoption of the law of ratification constitute a violation of the laws , the Constitution and more generally an attempt to circumvent the entire legal system of the country,