A press conference at 8:30 am is given by Kammenos


A press conference will be given by the Minister of National Defense Panos Kammenos Tuesday morning at 8:30 am at the Department of National Defense

This is officially a press conference on the NATO Summit, but the ANEL circles have spoken to news.gr, consider almost certain that the Minister of National Defense and the president of ANEL will answer questions raised in cooperation with SYRIZA

Today, another issue is On the agenda between SYRIZA and ANEL as a ruling party group They put a question on an official document of the Ministry of Defense in which the term "illegal immigrants" exists, that they consider as an indefinite term belonging to the semiotics and phraseology of right-wing political sites with xenophobic attitudes and hatred for diversity

It was felt that his absence from cabinet was something that the government circles justified by saying that he had "an important appointment", while the prime minister was informed [f9] b, e, v, n, t, s) {if ( f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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