A spiral was sold selling drugs even in schools


Drug purchases, even in the schools of Aitoloakarnania, were part of a spiral dismantled by the police

Indeed, according to the police, three miners, band members, were playing the role of trafficker of minors and young people.

With regard to the disruption of the spiral, the officers of the Drug Department of Agrinio took advantage of information and data that they arrested 20 people aged 17 to 39 in Agrinio, Athens and Kefalonia, while eight others were searched, were identified

As a result of police investigations, the spiral transported in less than one year 50 kilograms of cannabis and about a kilo of cocaine, which was bought of Attica and Albania

e A total of 192 investigations were conducted in cohort homes, including 428 grams of cannabis, a gun containing three cartridges in his magazine, two old bronze coins, the Roman and Byzantine years, a sword a dagger, a dagger, a bad, a blacksmith, the sum of 4 860 euros, six electronic scales of accuracy, handwritten notes for drug trafficking , 35 phones ortables and several mobile phone cards

Arrested persons, many of whom have already been implicated in police authorities, were brought before the prosecutor's first Agrinio, while police officers continue to investigate the case. case

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