A spiral was sold selling drugs in schools


In fact, according to the police, three miners, members of the gang, had a role of trafficker of minors and young people.

With regard to the dislocation of the spiral, the officers of the Anti-Drug Department of Agrinio took advantage of the information and data arrested 20 people aged 17 to 39 years in Agrinio, Athens and Kefalonia, and eight more were searched, whose coordinates were identified

As a result of police investigations, the spiral moved less than one year of age 50 (19659004) During police operations in Attica In Aitoloakarnanie and Kefalonia, 19 investigations were conducted among members of the spiral, among which were among others 428 grams of cannabis, a gun containing three cartridges in its magazine, two old bronze coins, Roman and Byzantine years, a machete-type sword, a dagger, a spade, a black beard, the sum of 4 860 euros, 355 mobile phones and many mobile phone cards [19659002] The detainees, many of whom have already been involved in the police, have been taken to the prosecutor's office of Agrinio, while the police continue to investigate the case.

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