Absolutely Legal Prosecutions by Marinakis for Noor 1 – Should be Called on Excuses


Criminal proceedings against Vangelis Marinakis and his four badociates in the case of Noor 1, the head of the prosecutor's office of Piraeus Irene Tzivi

the competent judicial council of Piraeus has today rejected Vangelis's application Marinakis as well as similar requests from his co-defendants, demanding the cancellation of the serious criminal proceedings against them, claiming that he was under the pretext

This means that the road is now open

Given the seriousness of the case, immediately after the prosecution by Ms. Djiva, who had conducted a thorough investigation, the Supreme Court Prosecutor, Xeni Demetriou herself, ordered that the proceedings be open to a judge of the case. Instruction

It is recalled that this category specifically relates to: "The establishment and integration into a criminal organization that seeks to commit more offenses under the law s ur drugs, criminal organization management above, drug trafficking (financing, transit, import, transfer, purchase, possession, sale, storage) against conspiracy and committed repeatedly under the umbrella of A criminal organization as defined in Article 187 of the Penal Code by professional offenders financing the trafficking of human beings and drug trafficking, and the expected profit of the authors exceeds 75,000 euros ". The offenses allegedly took place from 01-01-2012

It is noted that Documento in the last letter had been mentioned in the case, even asking a number of questions about the delay in the proceedings after Marinaki and the co-accused

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