Ahtisoglu: The fine for undeclared work now seeks to hire the worker


"This government is implementing its major commitment to exit the country from the program in August 2018 in August 2018, and is also implementing its commitment to policies to strengthen the social majority, policies to relieve groups Minister of Labor, Efi Atsioglu, declared the first day of the discussion and drafting of the bill on undeclared work in the House

"The further we get from the period of the memorandum, the net will be the line of demarcation between the two opposing political projects that it was implementing and will continue to be implemented by the Greek government and what is expressed by the opposition. The divisive incision is laborious, "said the Minister of Labor and pointed out that this was borne by Mr. Mitsotakis to clarify that the restoration of collective agreements is a left-handed obsession, that the eighth hour is outdated

Referring to the provisions of the bill, the Minister of Labor stated that the architecture of the fine for undeclared work is changing and that the fine does not change. is not only a deterrent and punitive but is aimed at recruitment and right of return in the first place. "We now give the opportunity to reduce the fine if the employee is recruited and not declared. Discounts are only related to recruitment, and recruitment involves a full-time employment contract, "says Ms. Atsioglou. We do this to do justice to the employee, and because the activity of the audit firm has allowed us to find that imposing a fine did not, in most cases, the undeclared worker. Today the fine is imposed, the employer is punished but a positive consequence for the undeclared worker does not exist. "

The minister explained that the bill creates a recruitment incentive scheme, the deterrent effect of fine is maintained, because the fine is multiplied relapse and in same time creates a strong alliance with the employee who now has a greater interest in reporting undeclared work because it will have a high probability of being recruited

The Minister also said " We make a big effort – and this is fruitful – to win the bet of sustainability, because there are cases that are used as a way to circumvent the rules for the protection of wage labor

close the wounds of the past and put the rules in a totally deregulated system. It is totally false what is said about fictitious surpluses. Eurostat and ELSTAT have confirmed the surplus of 2.9 billion social security bodies for 2017. What to do? The public social security system has gone well. Do we have a problem with that? It's good, we have income, unemployment is reduced, the wage labor increases, the funds are paid into the funds, we have good recoverability. Is it bad? "

According to the RES, he went on to point out that the bill also addresses the problems of insured persons who, because of the multidisciplinary system, were faced with important contributions that they did not know, either because they had parallel insurance either because they had left their neighborhood while they had no income and were paying as employees

Finally, referring to the part of draft law on unaccompanied refugees, Mrs Achitsoglou

The draft law

It is recalled that the draft law, which is currently debated in the competent parliamentary committee, includes the provisions relating to the annulment debts of insured persons who have been billed double insurance contributions to the old OAEE and provisions simplifying the process of registration of farmers in the register of insured persons of the EMPL

In this Regarding undeclared and undeclared work, it is possible to reduce the fine if the employer has proceeded to recruit a full-time contract. Thus, if within ten working days of the date of the check, the employer has recruited the undeclared worker (s) under a full-time employment contract, the fine of EUR 10,500 is reduced to EUR 7 000 in the case of recruitment. a contract of employment of at least three months in the amount of EUR 5,000 in case of recruitment by contract of at least six months and EUR 3,000 in case of recruitment to the less one year of employment

The bill introduces provisions regarding the liability of the contractor, contractor and subcontractor towards employees and provides for the responsibility for the violation of labor legislation and Insurance is not only the responsibility of the entrepreneur but also the company. ] The supervisory framework for unaccompanied minors is also set up, the creation of a Directorate for the protection of unaccompanied minors at the National Center for Social Solidarity, the holding of a register of unaccompanied minors, (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns, n = f. fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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