"/> A woman in the fifth month of her pregnancy was sleeping on benches"/>

A woman in the fifth month of her pregnancy was sleeping on benches. an unfortunate woman who was found without a bed, sleeping on a bench in Kordyti, Chalkida

The young woman tried to find peace in the city hospital, but her move was unsuccessful, returning to the bench [19659004] vote for the extracorporeal

According to Espresso, locals, who saw the woman, told the "guardian"

A family therefore agreed, even temporarily, to open her door to the afflicted girl and to offer her shelter and security to her and her unborn child.

the information, no one in his life who can help him and offer him the necessary.

At the same time, a solution was solicited to existing structures, such as Providence. However, the immediate need for housing can not be satisfied because unfortunately the city has no building for such cases.

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