An ancient Greek treasure of 40 million euros was found in a Europol company


About 250 Italian, Spanish, British and German police forces simultaneously attacked 40 homes, following a four-year investigation by Italian police

In Italy, investigations were conducted in Sicily , Calabria, Piedmont and Apulia, as part of a company considered one of the most important ever conducted against the illicit trafficking of cultural property in the country

In the region of Caltanissetta in Sicily "This which is rich in archaeological sites from the Greek and Roman times, members of local criminal organizations have illegally recovered archaeological objects, "adds Europol.

Archaeological Objects Smuggled Out of Italy "with False Certificates of Origin

Other people in Barcelona and London helped the ancestors to organize the" supply chain " and to provide technological support.

"International cooperation is essential to the success of such investigations of the illicit trafficking of cultural property when objects are transferred to many countries of the European Union" and they go through different stages "before being placed in the legitimate market", concluded Europol.

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