Anxiety about the Wildlife Care Center Greece


The situation prevailing in recent months at Hellenic Wildlife Care Center in Aegina is unacceptable. The autopsy performed by animal welfare agencies and the Ministry of the Environment reveals the abandonment in the center, with dozens of animals and birds, some of which are threatened threatened by malnutrition and poor hygiene.

ANIMA (Association for the Protection and Protection of Wildlife) organized a new autopsy a few days ago at the EKPAZ plant of Aegina. As a 'step', made up of veterinarians and people experienced in managing wounded animals, the facility now shows an abandoned image. "The smell was pungent because of the presence of garbage, cardboard boxes, dirty animal transport cages, animal droppings and moldy food They said. "The metal cages of the intensive care unit are covered with accumulated fecal layers due to lack of cleaning (…) .The operation shows complete abandonment, while machines of great financial value were found. "

66 birds, some in poor condition and some released (which for unknown reasons remain in captivity), were found in the center." The main objective of a center of Wildlife care is the reception of animals of Greek nature who are young, sick, exhausted or injured, with a view to their reintegration into the wild. For releasable animals, not only do they do nothing to gradually reintegrate them into the natural environment, but they are crammed into cages. At the same time, disabled animals are kept in conditions incompatible with their needs and well-being, "reports ANIMA,

It should be noted that veterinarians and volunteers from the organization have been on the site. 39, the island in recent days to occupy of

Similarly, the findings of the control center of the Ministry of Environment (Department of Wildlife Management and Hunting) have visited the center last December. According to the report, the autopsy report describes the same image of the abandonment of the center where were housed 122 animals

It should be noted that the Ministry of the Environment has made a new step on June 29 for an autopsy. The ministry, however, has been aware of the situation for months, but for some unknown reason has not yet allowed the animals to be removed. The Hellenic Society of Birdwatching also intervened a few days ago, warning the RIS that many species hosted are in direct danger of death

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