Approximately 200,000 retirees will receive retroactive payments on August 2



With his ticket to Facebook, Labor Minister E. Atschigoglu states: "By paying their supplementary pensions, August 2 approximately 200 000 pensioners will receive the retrospective amounts resulting from the change in the calculation of the AEKGE contribution which has been made since May

60% of the beneficiaries will receive a refund of between 150 and 350 euros.

As an indication, the former institutions from which most of the beneficiaries come and the average amounts of restitution for them:

– ETEAM – 58,953 rights with an average amount of EUR 212,39
– ETEA-TEADY-KY – 40,679 beneficiaries for an amount average of 145.72 euros
– TEAP PPC – 24 733 beneficiaries for an average amount of 465.6 euros
– TEAPOKA – 16 172 beneficiaries for an average amount of 256.14 euros
– TEPA OTE – 14,008 beneficiaries with an average of € 398.57 & # 39;

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