Babiniotis: Temporary closure of all universities – News – news


The situation in Greek universities is commented in an article of the linguistics professor and former rector of the Kapodistrian University of Athens, proposing to temporarily suspend all higher education institutions.

In his article, Mr. Babiniotis speaks of "descent" for which the rectors can not take any other effective measure.

"The state, for ideological and pre-electoral reasons, is devastating and the relevant ministries (Education and Protection of the Citizen)" lose the hand ", leaving the university authorities virtually inappropriate and legally inadequate to make chestnuts", said Babiniotis. in an article from

More in detail:

"The universities of the Rectorate and the Senate have been left to their fate, not only are they no longer able to control the situation, but they are also accused of" degrading "the image of Greek and foreign universities that do not do not deserve, as Greek higher education continues to maintain a high educational and scientific level, a very good scientific potential.

The rectors and members of the Senates – with the activation of the Council of Rectors – can in practice, before this unprecedented situation, take any other effective measure than to decide on a general temporary suspension of the functioning of the universities. until the responsible State makes decisions. and implement the measures taken by those responsible for removing the unacceptable, mitigating and degrading situation for universities.

And if this measure – temporary and conditional – is strict and within the limits of legality, uncontrolled illegality is only dealt with by the removal of resistances.

The sectoral authorities not only of the universities directly affected, but also of all the universities confronted to a greater or lesser extent to similar situations (drug trafficking, violent attacks and even rape, interuniversity action by extra-university people, bullying of students and professors, etc.) responsibility vis-à-vis their universities, their students who are now demanding protection against Greek society, against imposed Greek citizens, epsoun eftelisthoun further and on eftelistoun universities public.

There is no other more powerful and decisive message of the temporary suspension of the functioning of all the universities of the country.

The state deceives for electoral and pre-election reasons, and the relevant ministries (Education and Citizenship) "lose the hand", leaving university authorities virtually powerless and legally inadequate to make fire chestnuts. Universities scream to the competent authorities! … what process? With one – and practically because of the composition – impractical decision of the Council of the Rector to replace the state in the legally prescribed role? "

From my experience and my experience (from the administration of the University of Athens), only such radical actions – which rarely have to be applied to have a weight and a result – can bring solutions on behalf of the state.

It is not a solution in a democratically favored state that teachers, that is, academics, and students, that is, their students, end up in the hands of drug traffickers, drug addicts, or drug addicts. extreme forms of behavior of extra-university people!

The public university is becoming increasingly depreciable in the consciousness of Greek citizens as well as foreign academics surprised by what is happening in Greek universities (and we are in a hurry). This responsibility rests primarily on the fact that it is linked to the very existence of universities if their reaction continues to be limited to verbal protests and complaints from the public.

The university authorities, elected by the university community of their institution, dignified and serious scientists from the High Rectorate, as well as the members of their Senates who decide in the last resort, take the difficult but definitive decision to temporarily suspend their activity – not symbolic but essential – until all their responsibilities are fulfilled.

This is what society expects from university professors who no longer have any means of persuasion and resistance. They are obliged to guarantee peace in the universities, a prerequisite for scientific research and teaching and the general functioning of a free creative intellectual space which is a university.

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