Backstage: Absent Burned and Tsipra's reaction – There was annoyance


In the shadow of the cabinet's silent absence of Kamtenos – with the excuse of telephone conversations and appointments for military issues – Alexis Tsipras unfolded the government's narrative for the next time going through dipole maintenance [19659002InthehighestlevelsofMinimumaccordingtothesecureinformationoftheIfimeridaladecisionoftheGovernmentPartnershipnotbadistedtoa"special"likePrimeGoverningqualifyuniononthe"historicdecision"oftheEurogroupontheadette caused lgeini impression . However, was forced to minimize the entire incident referring to the obligations of the Secretary of National Defense, while noting that "it does not". there is no question.

However, at a time when the prime minister wanted to report the flight to the front and send a message of unity and stability (as the government coalition had 152 deputies), the decision of the president of ANEL to be absent, in addition, shock scenarios run by the government .

Chipras-Burned told them in person

Alexis Tsipras is clear that he will use every means to overcome the … crisis of the government crisis. It is widely known that his personal relations with Panos Kammenos are excellent

As a result, and as the Ieximerida know, the two government partners cooperated after the ministerial, in preparation for the NATO summit .

Diplomatic sources claim that the government will appear in a common line crossing the valley that any invitation to the FYROM will only be successful if all the planned stages are completed


The "present" next week will give Synod beyond Alexis Tsipras (who will have contacts on the sidelines) and Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias Tsipras-Kotzias-, but also the Minister of Defense Panos Kamme st. "There are different parts of the Synod," they commented with significant sources of government, suggesting that politicians will treat them as Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs

Transformed-destabilized by Kammenos government officials

they do not hide their concern and find that the nomenclature agreement has provoked beyond severe turbulence and a climate of uncertainty of the government, due to the destabilization of the economy. ANEL

"It's a transitional period, and another obviously that will be reflected in the political map," said Interior Minister Panos Skourletis, adding that "ANEL will not put in jeopardize the current government. "

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