Burberry prefers to burn his outfits to be worn by the … pimba!


The Burberry luxury clothing brand has "cremated" clothes worth 28 million pounds (31 million euros) this year to prevent its stock from ending up in the "gray market" and to be bought by "the wrong people".

Burberry, known for its over-costumed cabarets, priced at 1,600 euros, has been practicing this practice for years. What has changed, however, is the value of "surplus" clothes burned each year, which has increased by … 50% over the last two years.

The reason for this increase is the continued decline in sales of the brand with the typical Scottish pattern, a drop that never "dropped" or prices in euros

. worth over 90 million pounds were destroyed. In the last two years, according to data released yesterday. According to the British media, this has fueled the company's shareholders who are wondering why they were not offered additional clothing instead of the fire

Burberry representatives, valued at 10, 8 billion dollars. Forbes, they admitted to the Times that the stock that remains unsold is cremated so that the company protects its intellectual property and the value of its brand. However, they quickly badured the public that they were using special combustion machines to avoid any wastage of energy.

According to industry experts, the annual burning of unsold stock is a common practice for luxury brands that do not want their products to reach other price distribution channels. discount and to buy from the "wrong kind of consumer". Of the brands that destroy each year their unsold, Richemont, the owner of Cartier and Montblanc, has destroyed watches worth 451 million euros in two years after buying the unsold stock of jewelers [19659007]! function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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