By Maximos order the amendment to multiple polls in May!


An intense background showing the intentions of Maximos Maximos for the national elections as well as the European elections of May 2018 hides behind the sudden amendment introduced by 16 deputies SYRIZA yesterday, calling for the term harmonization of the conduct of meetings for the election of mayors and regionalists with that for the election of deputies

The amendment fueled the scenario on the simultaneous holding of these elections as well as national elections. And not accidentally, as the amendment was not only the inspiration of the 16 deputies, but a directive of the Manor Maximus.

According to reliable information, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras himself requested it yesterday afternoon by the competent Minister Interior Panos Skourtetis . Only one question arises: the bill tabled by Mr. Scourlett provides for elections on October 13 and 20, 2019, and it would be inappropriate and self-censoring for the Minister to change the dates.

between Maximus and the Ministry of the Interior, and in order not to expose much Mr. Scourletis, the solution to the parliamentary amendment was chosen. The text of the amendment was drafted by the ministry and was handed to deputies, stressing that it would of course immediately be accepted by Mr Scourletis.

However, because of an innocent, so-called procedural, prima facie amendment, it fills the

For three reasons, one that existed before, and two youngsters:

1. For this is confirmed the information that wants the government plans elections with the European elections, that its political time ends around or shortly after the agreement of Prespa was pbaded to the Greek Parliament. This vote is expected to take place around January 2019, as Skopje Prime Minister Zoran Zaev said yesterday.

2. Because the plan of "multiple" choices or callers was always in the minds of the Prime Minister's badociates, as a trick to channel the dissatisfaction of citizens in "collateral" directions and prevail central political dilemmas in the national ballot

3. Because Alexis Tsipras wants to interfere in this way with the center-left space, supporting peripheral leaders and mayors. He hopes that the mechanisms available to these candidates will not work for the Movement of Change, but will remain neutral or go to SYRIZA in some ideal cases

. It should be noted that the rules are signed by Ioannis Stefos, Christos Antonios, Stavros Arachovitis, Dimitris Emmanouilidis, Manolis Thraspaniotis, Nina Kasimatis, Asterios Kastoris, Panagiota Kozomoli, Alexandros Meikopoulos, Triantaphyllos Mififis, Costas Morfidis, George Papafilippus, Andreas Rizoulis, Vasilis Tsirkas and Yi Argos junks. They propose that "as an exception and for the first implementation of the bill (Kleisthenes), the next municipal and regional elections should be held at the scheduled time, the Sunday before the day for the election of representatives The European Parliament of 2019 and the creation of new municipal and regional authorities on 1 September 2019 and ending on 31 December 2023.

It did not exclude the possibility of tripling (19659003) The spokesman of the government Dimitris Tzanakopoulos, who did not rule out the possibility of tripling in May

was asked for these steps

"These are questions that will be decided by the community. But we have no desire to play the elections. Regarding the constitutional question, we must not leave any interpretations, "said the spokesman of the government, adding that the Prime Minister wants to exhaust the four years that will expire in October 2019.

M. Tzanakopoulos said the possibility of holding European and local elections that "the will of the government should be disconnected, but after some statements of KEDE President George Patoulis that he will take measures for the cancellation of the law, we should make a law and constitutional discussion. "

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