Capitalization lost $ 120 billion – The biggest …


Last Thursday, the company lost $ 119.4 billion in capitalization as a result of the quarterly earnings announcement showing slower growth in social networking users and lower revenue estimates.

Facebook's share plunged 19% to $ 176.26. This is the biggest loss of value ever recorded by a company on the US stock market. The lost capitalization corresponds to the cumulative capitalization of the 20 smaller companies of the S & P 500

At the same time, it is the highest percentage of decline since the IPO

Facebook's second quarter figures [Profit: $ 5.12 billion ($ 1.74 per share versus $ 1.71 against converging badysts' estimates). During the corresponding period of 2017, profits were $ 3.89 billion or $ 1.32

Revenues: $ 13.23 billion against estimates of $ 13.36 billion [19659002] DAU in North America: 185 million against 1.47 billion against an estimate of 1.49 billion

Average revenue per user (ARPU): 5, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 97 $ against 5,95 $ US

Although DSUs increased by 11% on an annual basis, the increase was less than that Wall Street was waiting. European SADs are down from the first quarter of 2018, possibly due to the activation of the GDPR in the European Union, which gives more control to the user on his data.

To the surprise of badysts, Facebook has also lost (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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