Champion of national Greece in the judo leader of "Vor V Zakone" – Crime


A judo champion with national Greece was a 31-year-old Georgian, and a prominent member of the Georgian mafia's bloody brigade group, Vor V Zakone, involved in many house robberies, in Boeotia, Euboea, Fthiotis and Achaia.

This spiral was dismantled by police from the Livadia Police Department of the Viotia Police Department

. On Thursday morning, they were arrested in areas of Attica after a coordinated operation carried out by police officers from Livadia's security department. the badistance of police from the Department of Special Operations Groups of the Attica Security Division, the two senior managers aged 31 and 27 years.

The remaining members of the burglary band

In addition, from the in-depth investigation, the full details of eight other Georgian accomplices (seven men and one woman)), aged 23 to 53 years. It should be noted that one of them is already in a detention center of the country.

In addition to being verified, they are members of the criminal network of the Georgian mafia, the "Vor V Zakone", which operates methodically and profession and the usual robbery, since for its members it is considered a shameful legal work.

To their detriment was formed a record, of a criminal nature, for constitution and participation in a criminal organization, the commission of distinguished cases of theft counterfeiting and, as the case may be, for violations of the law on drugs and the weapons

In particular, the combined evaluation and exploitation of all the data and data that emerged during the investigation process revealed that the perpetrators, at least from here to 2017, set up a structured criminal group with continuous action and a specific methodology, the purpose of which was to design and commit robberies – house burglaries and consequently to obtain illegal badets

Members of the reel, with an identical or different composition per case, using the basic areas of Attica, have moved to different cities in the Region, moving with at least two "operational" vehicles they they autopsied their candidate "targets" and then, usually in the morning, they committed a violation of the houses where the detainees were absent

which is characteristic among the members who committed burglaries and those who had committed burglaries. the role of "Tsiliadoron", there was continuous communication, for the arrival of residents or enforcement authorities, for their immediate escape

At all stages of their illegal action, they took special and effective precautionary measures, with falsified documents, of their "business" vehicles, as well as their virtual transfers, in order to deter police investigations.

In addition, they proceeded to the laundering of their illegal products with the purchase of private vehicles. either by themselves (in the same way as counterfeit documents), by posting them as their badets, or their related persons.

In total, it was verified that the members of the criminal group, between 14 March 2017 and 10 May 2018, were involved in the commission of 16 robberies and three attempted robberies in areas of Livadia, four flights, to Lamia, two flights to Chalkida, and a flight to Aigio from Achaia

The prey that they got from their continued illegal action includes jewelery and gold, l & # 39; 39, money, electronic devices, j other objects of losses, the total value is greater than 95,000 euros. In the legitimate investigations conducted in the homes of the two arrested, theft, jewelry and goldsmiths, small drugs, knives, a number of key gates, flight tools, mobile phones, receipts and money were seized and confiscated 745 euros

Finally, during the operation, a 37-year-old Georgian was also arrested, since it was pending October 8, 2007, a decision of the Court of Appeal of the three members of the court of Athens.

It should be noted that the offender changed his identity and thus makes it more difficult to execute the sentence against him

The preliminary inquiry was conducted by the Department of security (19659019) window.fbLoaded = $ .Deferred (), while investigating all of the criminal activity of spiral members, their interconnection with other similar groups and their involvement in other related offenses.

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