Charitsis: Europe faces critical dilemmas POLITICS


Cohesion policy may be the only counterweight to the dismantling trends it creates in the EU. neoliberal policies and the rise of the nationalist right. Acting Minister of Economy and Development, Alexis Charitsis, makes a remark in a statement to ANA-MPA and stresses that the Greek government has taken a clear position in this great conflict that will judge the Future of the European Union

M. Charitsis, by increasing the Community budget and providing it with autonomous sources of funding. But most of the time, it fights to strengthen cohesion policy, the main tool currently available to the Union to fight against poverty and unemployment at the European level

In detail, the deputy minister of the 39, Economics and Development, Alexis Charitsis, said: 19659002] "In this context, the success of our country in the capitalization of European resources over the past three years is the best argument for cohesion policy. funds have kept the Greek economy in a very difficult period

A crucial debate is currently underway in Europe, it concerns the new EU budget after 2020 and the future of the policy of This debate concentrates all the major dilemmas facing Europe today and highlights key cleavages between the progressive forces that call for the deepening of the united world. European integration with emphasis on solidarity and social cohesion and those of neoliberalism and national development European construction

The Greek government has taken a clear position in this great conflict which will judge the future of the European Union in the next decade g. We call for an increase in the Community budget and its supervision with autonomous sources of funding. Above all, we are fighting to strengthen cohesion policy, which is currently the Union's main instrument for combating poverty and unemployment at European level and for promoting convergence between its Member States. Cohesion policy may be the only counterbalance to the dissolving trends it creates in the EU.

In this context, the success of our country in the capitalization of European resources over the last three years is the best argument for cohesion policy. These resources have kept the Greek economy in a very difficult period, financed infrastructure across the country, small and medium-sized enterprises improving liquidity and creating new jobs

This book, recognized by all parties in Europe , we had the opportunity to present the European Parliament last Tuesday at the invitation of the relevant committee. A process that is happening for the first time and shows precisely the momentum and the need to highlight the positive examples that will support all those struggling to change politics in Europe in a progressive direction

Unfortunately, Opposition opposes in a completely different direction. Inside, it devastates the prospects of the Greek economy and attempts to undermine the country's exit from the memoranda. In Europe, it is framed by the hard neoliberalist and far-right, which suppresses even the historic conquests of work (eight hours) and shifts the burden of the refugee crisis in countries of first entry like Greece. Despite the fact that he claims the character of the European faction, he serves politics and moves with forces that are now the biggest threat to Europe. "

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