Child Allowance: When will the third installment be paid?


Countdown begins for the payment of the third installment of the child allowance

The installment payment for the months of May and June will take place on July 25th and 27th. These are the recipients who will have a tax return and who will have requested the A21 by July 20.

They will follow, according to the schedules and the payments of the next bimonthly payments.

Please note that an expenditure of 180 million euros has been approved at the expense of the expenditure budget of the Ministry of Labor, Social Security and Social Solidarity in order to finance the Organization for social benefits and social solidarity (OPECA) payment of child allowance for the first half of 2018, as well as pending applications from previous years

This is stipulated by the decision of the Minister of Labor Efi Achitsoglou, published in "Diagyia".

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