Circuit cultivated and exchanged large quantities of cannabis in Greece and Belgium – Crime


Structured criminal organization composed of 13 members (10 Albanians and 3 Greeks), active in the culture and sale of narcotics, in Greece and abroad, after a long investigation of the Patras Division of the Security of Patras,

For this very important case, seven men and a woman, aged between 38 and 26, including a 35-year-old chief, were arrested yesterday in the Fthiotida areas, eight members of the criminal organization seeking even their five accomplices. Among those arrested, the three are Greeks and five Albanians. Two large cannabis crops were also identified in the foothills and mountainous areas of Fthiotida and more than 1,800 plants were cultivated by members of the criminal organization.

  Circuit growing and marketing large quantities of cannabis in Greece and Belgium

. , the police of the Department of Drug Control Patras Security Division, exploiting the data from their investigation of several months and thorough, have organized and implemented the last two days

In particular, the police The police investigation revealed that the criminal organization operated with a structured hierarchy, distinct roles and continuous action, systematically pursuing the role of the police in Fthiotida, and professionally cultivating thousands of cannabis plants, harvesting them, and then planting them. move to Greece and abroad, with huge financial benefits. Organizations divide their work each year into three phases, namely cannabis cultivation, cannabis smuggling and hemp re-cultivation, with each member playing a distinct role: chief, financier, farmer, and drug trafficker. ;foreign.

  Circuit of cultivation and trade of large quantities of cannabis in Greece and Belgium

After the harvest, the criminal organization carried out international drug trafficking, export and relocation ( 19659009) Trafficking in our country was entrusted to other members of the criminal organization and was mainly conducted in the regions of Attica and Fthiotida

. ] Police investigations revealed that members of the criminal organization cultivated at least one cannabis plant in the summer of 2017 with 425 plants, including 170 kilos harvested, while 78 kilos of cannabis were identified. . summer until this year, in Greece and in Belgium. With regard to the coordinated operation and identification of the two large plantations identified yesterday by the police of the Department of Security of Patras, we can note:

The first plantation was located on the slopes of Mount Kallidromo near the Village of Eleftherohori, Fthiotida, It had an area of ​​about one acre and consisted of 1,300 hemp seedlings, growing up to 2.1 meters. In addition, three members of the criminal organization responsible for plant cultivation and maintenance were permanently arrested in the plantation, living permanently in two plantation houses, manufactured by them. and equipped with necessary supplies for their housing and food (such as cans, cooks, blankets and more). For watering plants, the authors developed a complete water supply system with underground and underground water tanks, taking water from a nearby natural source , while stressing that in the plantation area they have created an improvised drying plant. ] The second plantation was located on a hill at the village of Kounourios, in Kamena Vourla, covered an area of ​​half a acre, stretched on two levels and consisted of 502 hemp plants reaching 1.5 meters high. For watering plants, a complete watering system with underground and underground watering pipes has also been developed, taking the water from an adjacent natural source, while the farmers permanently resided in the plantation in a self-contained dwelling equipped with necessary supplies for accommodation.

It is noted that of the two plantations, the estimated total crop of cannabis is estimated at 720 kilos and that the financial benefit that the criminal organization would derive from their trafficking would exceed

In investigations that have followed in the homes of members of the criminal organization and in a cavalcade owned by the 35-year-old chief, four kilograms and 577 grams of cannabis were seized, a multitude of mobile phones, the sum of money ( 1040) a precision electronic scale

In addition, two cars were seized, which the perpetrators used as a means of drug trafficking. Those arrested will be taken to the Lamia Prosecutor's Office. For the case, Brigadier Constantin Stephanopoulos, Director General of the Regional Police of Western Greece, said:

"The Greek police still today managed to inflict a severe blow on the Greek police

We defrauded a well-organized criminal organization by capturing eight members of the same and even with three drugs that developed an international criminal activity, drug trafficking in our country and in Europe

We also seized more of 1800 hemp plants in inaccessible and wooded areas of Fthiotida just a few days before their harvest

The authors traded dozens of kilograms of cannabis in the past year in Greece and Belgium, illegally taking a significant badet advantage, while we would like to note that the treatment and continued movement of cannabis

Our fight against drugs st and our police are making every effort to fight this plague

Our fight against drugs is ongoing and our police are making every effort to combat this scourge [19659013] As a Hellenic Police and more specifically as a As Regional Directorate General of the Regional Police of Western Greece, we pay special attention to the fight against drugs and try to seize these dangerous substances before they reach the citizens.

I would like to express my sincere thanks to the Director of the Achaia Police Department, the Director of the Patras Security Division, the Head of the Patras Drug Control Department and all the staff of their office. Bureau for their efforts and successes. I would like to remind you that the head of the Greek police, the army corps general Constantine Tsouvala, was declared 2018 against drugs. We protect society, protect other human beings, protect young people and especially children

Our motto is: No drugs, no marginalization, no death, we say YES to life. "

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