Coca – Cola 3E: exports to 11 countries of Schimatari | Businesses


The distance from Schimatari – Thessaloniki, about 440 km, can cover the boxes of products produced annually by the Coca-Cola 3E plant in Schimatari, with 73 million boxes, baduming that some one put side by side. investments of 24 million euros for the expansion of the plant, which was officially presented yesterday, the company can now cover almost all the needs of the Greek market and at the same time export its products in 11 country with a prospect for even more in the next

"Even in the years of crisis, we have been able to continue to invest in Greece," said David Anastasios, chairman of the Coca-Cola HBC group, adding: " We are a multinational group, but our heart is still in Greece. "

" It's a myth that foreign investments can not be made in Greece.It has all the advantages to become competitive and extrovert. We must not return to deficits and deindustrialism, what we lack is the political will, "said Deputy Minister of Economy and Development Stergios Pitsiorlas. He himself announced the submission to Parliament next week of a bill for the creation of an organized industrial zone in Inofyta. The new Coca-Cola 3E Mega Plant in Schimatari produces 540 different product codes, including 100% juice and 96% soft drinks. In addition, Schimatari's production covers 100% of the needs of the Bulgarian market for Coca-Cola and Sprite drinks in an aluminum box. Besides Bulgaria, the products made in this factory are still exported to Germany, Switzerland, the United States, Italy, Kosovo, Cyprus, Hungary, Romania, Serbia and the Republic. Czech. The warehouse also has 24,000 m². (f, b, e, v, n, t, s), which can serve 300 trucks a day, as well as a customs warehouse for the distribution of alcoholic beverages in the portfolio of Coca-Cola 3E. {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply (n, arguments): n.queue.push (arguments)}; if (! f.fbq) f._fbq = n; n.pas = n; n.loaded =! 0; n.version = 2.0 & # 39 ;; n.queue = []; t = b.createElement (e); t.async =! 0; t.src = v; s = b.getElementsByTagName (s) [0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore (t, s)} (window, document, "script", // .js & # 39;); fbq (& # 39; init & # 39 ;, & gt; 109138906120213 & gt;); fbq (& # 39; track & # 39 ;, "PageView"); [ad_2]
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