Collaboration to speed up Golden Dawn trial – Newsbeast


In the commitment to continue to take the necessary initiatives to speed it up trial on the Golden Dawn caseThe Minister of Justice, Michalis Kalogirou, acted within the limits of his jurisdiction.

The Minister welcomed the actions of the Appeals Chamber of the Appellate Court, consisting of three members, in which he stated: "within the framework of institutional cooperation aimed at to solve the problems that have occurred and speed up the trial ".

The announcement comes a few hours after the additional note filed by lawyers who blame Mr. Kalogirou for "not having responded to their request for a month."

The entire announcement is as follows:

As we know, the Minister of Justice, Transparency and Human Rights, Mr. Michalis Kalogirou, has stated publicly, about the conduct of the Dawn trial of goldthat after the use of the possibility of meetings at the court of appeal of Athens, one constantly seeks to increase the contribution of the administration to the acceleration of the trial according to the prescribed legal procedures.

In this context, it is recalled the ministerial decision of 2016 under the ministry of Nikos Paraskevopoulos, according to which the ceremonial hall of the Athens court of appeal was designated as the main venue of the trial.

The Court has already announced the increase in the number of meetings to 14 for November and 12 for December, and is expected to increase further in January.

The Ministry of Justice welcomes the actions of the Board of Directors of the Athens Court of Appeals, composed of three members, who cooperate institutionally to resolve the problems and speed up the trial, and are committed to pursuing the necessary initiatives within their own responsibilities.

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