Commission bell on Airbnb rules -Privacy


The target date set for the end of August gives the Commission the task of aligning its conditions with the European rules on consumption and presenting its prices in a transparent manner

Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Equality of the Virgin Islands, Viera Yeruva, "More and more consumers are booking their holiday accommodation online and this sector has offered many new opportunities to holidaymakers, but being popular can not be an excuse for non-compliance with EU consumption rules

Consumers must understand easily why and how much they have to pay for services and have fair rules, for example, in case of cancellation by the owner, I am waiting for Airbnb to implement the right solutions quickly. "

The modifications requested by the Commission

As indicated in In a relevant Commission communication, the presentation of prices and certain conditions of the undertaking do not comply with the Unfair Commercial Practices Directive, the Unfair Contract Terms Directive and the Civil Jurisdiction Regulation. Commercial

For this reason, European consumer protection authorities and the Commission have asked the Airbnb Commission to Loans are a number of changes. The company has a deadline to submit its proposals at the end of August

Following Airbnb's proposal to solve these problems, the Commission and the European consumer protection authorities will review the changes. proposed. If these are not considered satisfactory, enforcement action may be taken against Airbnb

Price Transparency and Other Unfair Commercial Practices

Price Presentation by Airbnb and the distinction between private and professional hosting providers currently do not meet the requirements of EU law, especially the Unfair Commercial Practices Directive

Airbnb should:

  • change the way it presents the information about what initial search price on its site, so that when providing accommodation, the consumer is informed of the final price, which should include all applicable fees and charges, such as service and cleaning fees or, when it is not possible to calculate the final price in advance, the consumer should be clearly informed that there may be s additional costs;
  • clearly indicating whether the offer of accommodation is made by an individual or a professional, as the consumer protection rules differ in both cases

Clarification of terms or deletion of illegal terms

Airbnb's terms of service must comply with European consumer law. Under the Unfair Contract Terms Directive, the terms and conditions must not create a significant imbalance between the rights and obligations of the parties to the detriment of the consumer. Terms should also be written in clear and understandable language so that consumers are informed in a clear and understandable way about their rights.

With respect to Airbnb, this means, for example, the following: [19659016thecompanymustnotmisleadconsumersbyreferringtoajudicialauthorityinanothercountryfromtheirMemberStateofresidence;

  • Airbnb can not unilaterally and unjustifiably decide the conditions that remain in force in the event of termination Convention
  • Airbnb does not dispose may deprive consumers of the fundamental legal right to bring an action against the supplier of Accommodation in case of bodily injury or other damage;
  • Airbnb can not unilaterally modify the terms and conditions without clearly informing them in advance without the possibility of terminating the contract
  • the terms of service may not give Airbnb unlimited discretion with respect to the deletion of content,
  • the termination or suspension of a contract by Airbnb should be explained to consumers, subject to clear rules and should not deprive the consumer of the right to reasonable compensation or appeal;
  • the policy of reimbursement of amounts paid by Airbnb, the compensation and their collection should be clearly defined and should not deprive consumers of their right to resort to available remedies
  • Finally, Airbnb should provide to its website an easily accessible link to the electronic system. (19659013) Next Steps

    Airbnb now has a deadline of the end of August to be able to resolve disputes in accordance with the Consumer Dispute Resolution Regulations (DSD). it offers detailed solutions on how to align its practices with European consumer legislation. The Commission and consumer protection authorities will meet Airbnb if necessary in September to resolve the outstanding issues. If the company's proposals are not considered satisfactory, the consumer protection authorities may decide to take coercive measures

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