Complaint about unacceptable approaches in the context of "voluntary redundancy" WORKERS


Complain about unacceptable approaches in the context of "voluntary eviction"

Alpha Bank overcame all limitations in order to get rid of a disabled employee by the so-called "voluntary exit" Financial Workers & # 39; . "" ", note," our Association was informed that our colleague Th.K., who works in the building of the University of Athens in the credit support department, was misleading and literally dragged into

This particular colleague was recruited to the Bank in 1992 with the beneficial provisions of the Disability Act. Being in a state of weakness (mental deprivation) and unable to understand the content of the request presented to him, he signed it. It is obvious that the Bank not only took advantage of his situation, but not only did not calculate the criticality of his situation, but deliberately urged his colleague and his family not to have time to mobilize against his position. signature

. a terrorist face of employers, whose sole purpose is profitability and indifferent to the real needs of workers, has failed to break the ethics and solidarity of colleagues working with TH. They immediately proceeded to prevent such inhuman development.

The concern and indignation of colleagues and the family of Th .. our organization, which participated directly in a meeting with the Human Resources Division (HRM) of Alpha Bank, was greeted from the first moment by a letter denouncing this event that she communicated to the Ministry of Labor

The Association states that this is not the first time that such an incident occurs. " Recently, the bank moved a disabled worker away from his place of residence to blackmail his resignation in Thessaloniki ."

" the employers, having his companions the anti-worker policy of the so-called" left "SYRIZA-ANEL government and the employers' unionism has the illusion that it will also win our silence ", calls the workers to rally in their ranks to stop anti-labor projects and demands: To prevent the colleague from participating in the program" Voluntary exit "(…) End all blackmail colleagues for their participation in the program "Voluntary exit"

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