Conflict with Parliament's pre-election scent for the POLITICAL economy


Another clash between political leaders is expected to take place in Parliament during the debate on the agenda of the main opposition party leader, Ms. Mitsotakis, in the shadow of the latest decisions of the party. 39 Eurogroup and in addition to the commitments made. was taken over by the SYRIZA-ANEL government for the period after the official end of the third memorandum.

ND president said in his letter that "Mr. Tsipras can not hide behind communicative fictions" because the famous "clean exit" is nothing more than an "entry" clear "in a fourth memorandum," to inform on the cuts that come and to apologize for the misery that his political choices have brought. "

(19659002) Finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos and Deputy Minister George Houliarakis should take part in the discussion

The discussion will open with the Prime Minister's speech, followed by the head of the Ministry of Finance. main opposition then by the leaders of the other parties. there is a second series of speeches by the Prime Minister, political leaders and ministers, and Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras should close the debate with a trilogy.

It is noted that the economy is one in which he wants to turn the Maximus agenda, that he has a significant lead in the final stretch of the memoranda, thus seeking to lower both tones and prolonged noise around the nomenclature accord

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