Construction activity was up in April


According to ELSTAT, the total volume of construction activities (private and public), in April 2018, across the country, measured on the basis of building permits issued, amounts to 1,058 building permit. They correspond to 248.4 thousand square meters and to 1,164.0 thousand cubic meters of volume, ie a 1.0% increase in the number of building permits, 25.5% in surface area and 35.9% in volume per square meter. report to in the same month of 2017.

* The building Private building The construction activities issued in the same country during the same month were 1,048 building permits, corresponding to 247.3 thousand m2 of area and 1,157,700 cubic meters, an increase of 0.5% in the number of building permits, 28.1% in surface area and 38.4% in volume, compared to the corresponding month of 2017.

* These permits issued public building activity was 10, which corresponds to 1,100 m2 of surface and 6,300 m3 of volume. The percentage of participation of the Public Building Activity in the total volume of the building for April 2018 is 0.5%

The image at a depth of 12 months

Over the last twelve month, it is from May 2017 to April 2018 the total activity of the building (private-public) measured on the basis of building permits issued throughout the country s pupil at 14,108 building permits, corresponding to 2,990.4 thousand m2 of area and 13.104, 4 thousand m3 of volume. Compared with the corresponding period from May 2016 to April 2017, there was a 7.5% increase in the number of building permits, 17.4% in surface area and 18.6% in volume

* During the same period, May 2017 – April 2018, the activity of building Private shows a 7.5% increase in the number of building permits issued, of 16.8% in area and 16.8% volume, compared to the corresponding period May 2016 – April 2017. The participation rate of Public Building Activity of the total volume of the building for the period above is 4.2% . In January-April 2018 the total activity of the building shows an increase of 5.2 nationwide% of the number of building permits, 15.6% in area and 11.7 % by volume, compared to the same period of 2017 (Table 5). At the same time, the private housing construction activity shows a 5.0% increase in the number of building permits, 14.3% in surface area and 10.3% in volume, compared to the corresponding period of January to April. 2017.

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