Continue reforms and arrange red loans


For an hour Friday morning, the Fund's Board of Directors discussed the "report on Article 4 on the course of the Greek economy, including viability badysis The results of this report will be officially published on Tuesday, July 31.

In particular, the Executive Council reaffirmed once again the medium-term viability of the Greek debt. gap between institutions for the long-term debt outlook remains open, the European side is committed to taking all necessary measures when needed for the period after 2032. In this context, it has become It is clear that the IMF-Europe will continue in the period of post-program surveillance

Although the Article 4 report is a predictable IMF process, the Fund's sources characterized the moment as important because the Greece is However, it was emphasized it is crucial that there is no complacency and that it is necessary for Greece to continue the reform effort and fulfill the obligations it has contracted not to lose the sacrifices made by the country

. Another key issue was discussed at the meeting, as it was stressed that the situation should be adjusted as quickly as possible so that banks can contribute to the recovery of the economy by granting new loans. 659002] Finally, there were several points of view on the primary surpluses and some participants expressed doubts about the high targets set. A common position on this issue was the need to find the gold policy section that would achieve fiscal objectives, without compromising growth prospects and leading to a further widening of social inequalities

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