Corresponding to the cost of conventional fuels the cost of renewable sources of energy


"The cost of renewable energy sources (renewable energy sources) equals conventional fuels, justifying our choice to adopt ambitious goals to increase their share of the energy mix."

This is what the Minister of the Environment said today after the completion of the call for bids announced by the Minister of the Environment. Regulatory Authority for Wind Energy and Photovoltaics

According to the Minister, auctions have led to a price reduction of photovoltaic investments of about 20%, compared to the 2016 pilot competition and more 35% in wind investments

The main lever of price suppression was the rule established by RAE that auctioned quantity was reduced in order to show interest In the first phase of the process, 75% higher to ensure competition

. "The current process has shown that it is quite possible to limit the environmental footprint without imposing a significant burden on energy costs". "

" In future competitions, we expect further cost reduction in the coming months given the strong interest of domestic and foreign investors. "

The RIS recalls that" For years, a guaranteed price system has been adopted, which has caused a significant burden for consumers through ETMAR "and adds that, with its initiatives, the government:

Required Earlier Commitments to RES Producers

– Development of a New Framework for Investment Promotion in RES, Effective, Fully Transparent and Fully Compatible with Community Rules

] Source: RES-MPE


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