Discount First Monday – Hope to Increase Business Figure


The summer discounts will begin tomorrow, July 9, and last until August 31, while stores will open on Sunday, July 15.

Expectations for reviving purchases are not long since rebates take place in an environment of increasing tax obligations, so markets are not the top priority of consumers.

Summer pre – discounts have generated a turnover of more than 8 billion euros, of which retail sales are close to 6 billion dollars. euros, and only if a gradual return to 7 billion euros is reached. "

" This year's summer discounts hope to leave a positive sign in the purchase of traffic and turnover in the market, "says Vbadilis Korkides, president of ESEE. [19659003] It points out that the EBRD business forecast for the month of July The months of August and August 2018 are based on the current average business figure of the first quarter of the year. year that, compared to 2017, shows a marginal increase of + 0.65% .The climate in the world of trade is mixed with hopes of rising turnover but also great worries as the summer rebates are carried out in an environment of heavier tax obligations for all consumers, with the result that the markets are experiencing a "second destiny" reductions, in addition to the indication of the old and the new reduced price of goods and services sold at a reduced price, may be also be indicated and the commercial communication of a discount rate

"Where a price reduced more than 60% of all items sold shall include in the store store and in any other commercial communication the rate of discount provided and, in the case of different discount rates by product category, indicate the range of products offered rate ("from …% to …%")

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