Drop in chaos: Of the $ 1.9 billion dropped to 617 million from the primary surplus


A primary surplus of 617 million euros was presented by the budget in January-June 2018, making a six-month dip due to government benefits and social policy

. in the first half of 2018, according to which an additional 203 million euros were paid for Solidarity Social Income this year and 245 million euros for family allowances compared to the same semester last year.

This caused the primary fiscal surplus in the first half of this year to be 617 million euros against a primary surplus of 1.936 billion euros in the same period in 2017 . At the same time, the rate of payment of budget expenditures has increased significantly, resulting in a significant decrease in the deviation from the target.

With regard to the budget balance of the state (general government) from January to June rising to 2,318 billion euros against a deficit target of 3,249 billion euros. euros included in the MTFS 2019-2022 explanatory report and a deficit of 1 596 billion euros for the corresponding period of 2017.

The level of net public revenues ismes 21960 billion. euros increased by 131 million. euros, or 0.6% compared to the target. The exact distribution of the ordinary budget income will be made with the publication of the final bulletin, as the Ministry of Finance indicates in its communication

The net income of the ordinary budget amounted to 20,712 billion dollars. euros, increased by 87 million, 4% compared to the target

The turnover (excluding repayment of the debt settlement program) amounted to 2,229 billion euros, an increase of 76 million euros increase over target

Public budget revenue The total annual net income of the state budget amounted to 3,538 billion euros. euros, up 302 million euros (442 million euros) compared with the target of 444 million euros.

In June 2018, compared to the monthly target

The net business turnover of the ordinary budget amounted to 3,413 billion euros, up 260 million Euro against the monthly target

The turnover of the PIR amounted to 126 million euros

Revenue revenue in June 2018 (to excluding repayments of (481 million euros)

State budget expenditures for the period January – June 2018 amounted to 24,278 million euros , down from 161 million euros against the monthly target (481 million euros) billion and are reduced by 800 million euros compared to the target.In particular, Ordinary budgetary expenditures amounted to 23.321 billion euros and were reduced by 122 million euros in relation to the objective. hospital expenses, RRP-PAYD of 165 million euros

State budget expenditure is increased by 507 million euros compared to the corresponding period of 2017. 203 million euros An additional 39 euros were paid for social solidarity income and 245 million euros for family benefits

WFP's expenditure amounted to 956 million euros, or 679 million euros less than the goal

. in June, state budget expenditures rose to 5,042 billion euros and decreased by 139 million euros compared to the monthly target, while Ordinary budget expenditure amounted to 4,880 billion euros and increased by 24 million. The public investment budget (PAE) expenditures amounted to 163 million euros and are below the monthly target of 162 million euros

Source: RESP

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