€ 378.21 part-time salary in february


At EUR 50.71, average wages were full-time insured in all joint ventures and the average wage was EUR 1,166.24 in February 2018. At the same time, part-time jobs rose to 23%. , 55 EUR and 378 EUR, EUR 21.

This results from the processing of "Periodic Analysis Reports" (SADs) submitted for February 2018 and records, which were verified at the time of processing, such as 39, announced by the Uniform Social Insurance Institution

Insured Companies

Υ The DPAs were carried out and processed by 241,802 joint ventures and 8,963 construction works. The number of insureds reported to the DPA was 1,958,122, of which 1,926,172 in joint ventures and 31,950 in construction works

Demographic Statistics

Men account for 53.80% of the insured in all companies and 53.05% in joint ventures. For full-time workers in joint ventures, men account for 56.99%, while part-time jobs are 44.84%.

In total, 22.05% of the insured are up to 29 years old and 52.55% at 39 years old. In addition, 71.49% of all insured persons are between 25 and 49 years old, 71.59% in joint ventures and 65.24% in construction work. Finally, in the total number of companies, 18.50% of policyholders are between 50 and 64 years old, in joint ventures 18.28% and in construction works 31.61%.

Of the total number of insured, 90.33% citizenship, 1.58% from other EU countries and 8.09% from a non-EU country In the insured joint venture, 90.96% have Greek nationality, 1.56% from another EU country. and 7.47% from a country outside the EU, while the corresponding percentages in the construction works are 52.04%, 2.78% and 45.18%.

Foreign men account for 11.65% of insured men and foreign women account for 7.37% of insured women

Of all foreign insured persons, 52.38% are Albanian nationals. For foreign men, 53.8% are of Albanian nationality, followed by Pakistani nationals with 10.21% and Bangladesh with 5.04%

. For foreign women, 49.75% are Albanian citizens. (1969002) The economic activity of the insured persons is as follows: Of the total number of insured, 22.11% work in the branch "Wholesale and retail trade", 13, 37% in the industries manufacturers and 13.09% in hotels and restaurants. 22.54% of insured persons with Greek nationality work in wholesale and retail trade, 12.75% in manufacturing and 12% in hotels and restaurants. 22.63% of the insured persons having the nationality of another EU country 16,26% in "Wholesale and retail trade" and 15,55% in "Manufacturing industries"

In the insured Albanians, 24.60% work in "Hotels and restaurants" 19.16% in "Constructions" and 18.03% in "Manufacturing Industries"

Other non-EU insured. and Albanian nationals, 22.75% are employed in "manufacturing industries", 22.30% in wholesale and retail trade and 21.29% in hotels and restaurants

Among "Construction" workers 30.05% are foreigners, while 4.07% of insured persons are employed in this sector

Among the employees of "Hotels and Restaurants", 17.17% are foreigners, while in this sector 13, 09 % of insured persons

In addition, 13.82% of workers in manufacturing industries are foreigners, while 13.37% of insured persons are employed.

The occupation category with the largest number of employees in joint ventures is "Clerical employees" with 22.78%. 26.14% of policyholders with Greek nationality are "office workers", 21.40% are "employees in the service and sale in shops and foreign markets", while 13.02% are "workers" unskilled, handwriting and micro-professionals ". 31.05% of insured persons having the nationality of another EU country 22.41% are employed in "Service and sales in shops and foreign markets" and 20.08% are "Employees of office "

Albanian citizens of the overwhelming majority are insured (49.47%) are employed as" unskilled workers, workers and minors ", 22.38% are employed in" Services and sales in shops and external markets "and 9.93% in" specialized technicians ". 42.26% of other non-EU nationals, except for EU and Albanian nationals, are employed as "unskilled workers, blue-collar workers and miners", 21.25% in "Services and vendors in outside stores and markets" and 11.32% as "clerks"

Basic monthly employment data

For all insureds, l & # 39; average employment is 20.80 days, insured persons 20.92 and insured persons 13 35.

In all joint ventures n to full-time insured persons, the average wage is 50.71 euros and the average salary at 1166.24 euros. As a result, part-time work amounted to EUR 23.55 and EUR 378.21. In construction work, the average wage was EUR 40.20 and the average wage was EUR 536.67

. In the joint ventures, average employment and average wages were calculated for insurable days, while construction work for

In enterprises with fewer than ten employees, the average full-time salary is 63, 05% of the average salary of insured persons in companies with more than ten employees, while the average wage is 60.41% 19659002] The average date The share of women in full-time joint ventures represents 87.11% of the corresponding salary for men, versus 97.12% for part-time employment

Comparison of key figures February 2018-January 2018

Number of insured joint ventures increased by 0.03%, construction work rose 5.75% and the total activity of 0.12%

The number of foreign insured increased by 1.47%

employment in the joint ventures decreased by 1.83% in the work of The average salary in joint ventures has increased 0.52% and in construction work decreased by 0.30%

Average wage in joint ventures increased by 0.5% Comparison of key figures February 2018-February 2017

The number of 39, insurers in joint ventures increased by 11.44%, in the construction sector projects rose by 1.00% and in all enterprises by 11.25%. The number of insured persons increased by 13.01% in full-time joint ventures, while it increased by 10.06% with part-time work

The number of insured foreigners has increased by 6.97%. The share of insured women in total insured increased from 45.50% to 46.20%

Average employment in joint ventures decreased by 0.29% and in construction work decreased by 0.22%. ] The average wage in joint ventures decreased by 1.27%, construction work decreased by 3.20% and the total by 1.27%

The average wage was reduced to 1.5% for joint ventures and the construction industry projects decreased by 3.42%

In the case of full-time joint ventures, average wages decreased by 1.57%, (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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