EL.AS: He ravaged the schools of Attica | AlfaVita


Police gave the photo and details of a 32-year-old burglar

More precisely, it is MARZELO Ioannis de Zissis and Justine, born on 11-8-1986 in Ilion [19659002] invaded the early hours in school buildings, walked to the teachers' desks and took advantage of their absence, grabbing mobile phones, tablets, bags, and various other subjects from teachers. But he did not stop there as he went to school, gyms, pools and various shops, and taking advantage of a few staff absences, removed items.

16 cases of robberies were detected in various areas of Attica, buildings, a tutorial, a pool and a store.

In this context, citizens are urged to contact the phone numbers 210-2791550 of the Department of Security of Nea Ionia and 210-6411111 It is noted that the anonymity and confidentiality of the communication are provided [19659006] (function (d, s, id) {
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