"Escape" in the fall or chaos in May


With the announcement by the government that the national elections will be held later with the European elections next May, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras seems to be moving between two additional time points that signify corresponding political choices: either will trigger the beginning of the autumn elections with the logic of a "lightning war", "Blitzkrieg" as the Germans say to prevent a deterioration of political data, or to vote in March with "En January-February, we will discuss with our government partner what we are going to do, "he replied anxiously in the inevitable dissolution of SYRIZA-ANEL cooperation, when the agreement of Prespa will be ratified by the House

. Mr Tsipras was questioned a few days ago in Brussels about how to deal with the case on the national political scene and Skopjan's Prime Minister Zoran Zaev reprimanded "we are Macedonians and we are putting Macedonia to NATO "for the invitation to join the Alliance. space one of.

For those who know or pretend to interpret the way in which Mr. Tsipras evolves in the political field, "it is foreseeable to become national with the European elections". They badume that the Prime Minister will look for surprise, while they do not exclude the developments themselves to impose a change of plans and accelerated recourse to polls much earlier than expected.

Such a development, which may be an indication for speeding up the events, is the coldness that the Greek government accepted in the last Eurogroup last Thursday, when the partners, together with the German presidents, froze the payment of 15 billion euros. Euros (the "cushion" for exit on the markets) until the Thina present measures equivalent to 28 million euros. will lose the state coffers by suspending the VAT increase on the islands that carry the burden of the refugee crisis. "If borrowers make such a 28 million dollar collapse, imagine what will happen when the government claims and will formally postpone – let alone a moment – the 1.8 billion dollar cuts. euros! ", say the actors of the process. Brussels, even pointing out that the VAT facility was supposed to be announced by Mr Tsipras as his personal success, which of course has been revealed out of the question.

SYRIZA leaders no longer exclude the possibility of a spectacular move to accelerate developments, in
The repositioning of autonomous elections, with European elections, and the fact that the government had promised to vote in the regions and municipalities October 2019. The feeling that in May 2019 the elections can be held even by the government spokesman Dimitris Tzanakopoulos, who said that "these are issues that Parliament will decide . "

Many people, the Megaro Maximos is now trying to pave the way for the non-exhaustion of the four-year period and look for a more appropriate time for the election. February is the next stop because of Skopje: it seems that the agreement will be approved in Skopje in January and shortly after that it will have to go through the Greek Parliament. That is why Mr. Tsipras said that he would then consult with Mr. Panos Kammenos (apparently on how to handle the dissolution of their government cooperation)

However, the events seem to unfold faster than ever before. They did not imagine it in the Maxim's Mansion. It's not just the Scottish shower in the Eurogroup that has shown that leaving the third memorandum in August does not lead to the Promised Land. Neither is it that the lenders will leave any Greek government without strict control. It is also that the strategic choices of SYRIZA are now being questioned because of the redeployments in the right with the Macedonian catalyst

The Right Truth

According to valuable information, they seem appreciate for the first time the government. that the emergence of new extremist parties, in ideological terms, will not primarily affect ND. as much as SYRIZA. And this in the following sense: if any of these parties, as the newcomer of MM. Dimitris Kammenos and Takis Baltakos, enters the House, Kyriakos Mitsotakis can form a government (ally), even if he has no autonomy. And even without the government of the Movement Fifi Gennimata Movement. Mr. Tsipras will be in danger of achieving almost none of his basic electoral goals: he will lose the elections (despite … derby badurances), he will see Mr. Mitsotakis form a government that he or More , SYRIZA will have the power of center-left opposition in the opposition! Maximimou would like Ms. Gennimata to cooperate with ND. so that the Movement Movement uses it quickly and that SYRIZA dominates all the progressive space!

Until recently, the badyzes made by government officials on the developments to the right of New Democracy were encouraging for Maximus. New forces with a nationalist sign and a Macedonian flag put pressure on the ND strongly challenging the prospect of autonomy. Even the "blue" first in the elections, as Mr. Tsipras' most optimistic badociates felt.

Since last week, however, fear has begun to appear as one of the "Makedonomachon" parties to become a "cushion" for New Democracy. and release Ms. Gennimatas from the obligation to badist in the formation of a government with Mr. Mitsotakis in order to avoid anomalies in the country, as any new election will be made using the Simple Analogy System

The qualitative change results from the finding that SYRIZA does not have huge Macedonian losses (the damage is estimated at 2.5 percentage points at the end of the year). national scale), but in general "Macedonomanos" can send a party to the house, which enters for the first time in the basic equation

The ruling party cadres admit that if all this is taken in account (do not avoid the reduction of pensions and the disclosure of the commemorative corset, new facts in the political game, but also the fatigue of the electorate by the current government), the elections until October or even in November are open. This certainly implies that Mr. Tsipras has no particular desire for his government to adopt the Prespa Agreement of the House and that this "legacy" will leave it to the next.

Revolutionary Constitutional Revolution

It is expected that the government will attempt this week to displace political controversy in the field of constitutional review. The prime minister is preparing to present the government's proposals on July 24 on the occasion of the Metropolitan's birthday. The goal is to highlight and highlight the demarcation lines with ND. and to "charge" Mitsotakis conservatism and the phobic syndrome to incremental changes. Essentially, create the new bipolarism that wants to prevail in the pre-election quorum, with the corresponding correspondences and dilemmas involved.

A central point of government planning will of course be the use of a referendum referendum, despite strong opposition reactions objections of constitutionalists.

In any case, Maximus should resort to institutional changes. He also did with the collapse of the second electoral district of Athens and the rest of Attica, sending a message that he can carry out reforms where the previous ones have failed. For 20 years ND and PASOK spoke of the need for this change, but it is the SYRIZA government that has succeeded, forcing Mitsotakis to finally accept this initiative.

The question is whether the question of constitutional revision will affect electoral planning Mr. Tsipras, at the time the ballots will be put in place. Since the Prime Minister really wants to implement the review and the process can only be started by the current House after the start of October, it is difficult to hold elections in the year and it will take time. time that will lead to elections since February. – especially if a referendum is held

Unless the operation ultimately does not really matter to the government, and that the announcement of the revision of the constitution only makes the fever for an electoral surprise in autumn o.

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