Estimates for Foundations in 47 Faculties


Barometer of the movement of import bases in universities and TEI is this year the new University of West Attica, which should affect them directly, as reported in the journal D & # 39; Today's The News.

As shown by the first figures of the completion of the computerized ballots of candidates currently submitted to the Ministry of Education for the new institution show interest for a large proportion of young people claiming the this year's post in the country's higher education sector. Thus, this interest can shape the conditions that will affect the flow and foundations of major academic institutions in the region.


The expansion of this year could result in a larger drop in bases than was initially estimated in many secondary schools of the province's special economy
] and polytechnic in combination with the expected increase of bases in educational departments. As is known, the new University of Western Attica has created a comprehensive polytechnic school in the courtyard of the National Technical University of Athens, which will certainly arouse the interest of unsatisfied people who did not join his programs and diverted them from his polytechnic schools. of the province that would reasonably be their next choice


Up and Down

As President of the Hellenic Federation of Carers, Ioannis Vafeiadakis says that the completion of the Mechanahar (19459003) More specifically :

It is obvious that the two old technological education institutes of Athens and Piraeus, which became a university of Western Attica, will see a vertical if they can be compared to the Review last year. In some areas, the rise could be more than 1,000.

The interest in TEI schools in other urban centers of the country is generally greater this year: Attica does not. There is no representative in technological education, since

The pedagogical sections in the whole of higher education will experience an increase that will reach 2,000 points and in departments that have received the last two years [19659007] In the 1st field of humanities, legal psychology will be stable and perhaps slightly up, since the performance of candidates was better this year than last year, but the number of students in the first academic field increased by 10,000. admitted to the field faculties. In the first faculties, perhaps a marginal increase is recorded, but as we fall below 16,000, the movement of the bases will decrease

In the 2nd scientific domain, we foresee a fall of the basement especially in the penthouses in the field.

In the 3rd scientific field of health sciences in medicine, we expect a significant drop in bases, and perhaps this year we see that Athens' medicine does not reach 19,000, the decline in medical schools in the country is estimated at 00 to 300 molecules in the last medicine of Alexandroupolis.
In the 4th scientific field of economics and computer science, the stability of bases and perhaps small fluctuations are expected

The military faculties of the 2nd field of science should fall, while in the Police and firefighters small elevation.

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