Exceptional funding of 20 million euros for refugees in the Greek islands


According to the Commission, 20 million euros will be allocated to UNHCR and will be used to facilitate the management of reception facilities for migrants and refugees in Lesvos in order to support the local community projects and to provide other emergency housing in the islands. The amount of 20 million euros will also be used to protect children, informal education and the prevention of badual violence

It should be noted that this extraordinary funding of 20 million euros added to the financial support, the Commission also announced that an additional emergency aid of 24.8 million euros would be granted to Spain. This money will be donated to the Spanish Ministry of Employment and Social Security and the Spanish Red Cross for a project to provide care, food and shelter to immigrants arriving on the south coast of the country. Spain, Ceuta and Melilla

The Commissioner for Immigration, Home Affairs and Citizenship, Dimitris Avramopoulos, said: "The Commission continues to meet its commitment to support member states under pressure. Last year, the immigrants arrived in Spain and we need to strengthen support and help to return those who do not have the right to reside.Also, although the EU-Turkey declaration has contributed significantly to reduce the number of arrivals in Greece, the country continues to experience significant migratory pressures, especially in the islands. "

More than one billion euros were granted, in the financial framework act ual (2014-2020), to help Member States manage migration

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