Explained by EL.AS. online fraud case


A case of online fraud was detected by the Electronic Crime Enforcement Division of Northern Greece, as part of the fight against illegal gambling on the Internet

A police and digital investigation conducted after A 21-year-old denounced a user who had created a "profile" through which he had, for financial reasons, allegedly secured predictions for the outcome of matches, mainly football

. the user has earned from the 21st year the money of 100 € through a prepaid card in order to provide him with predictive race results so-called secure. Then, having managed to extradite his debit card and his security codes, he imputed to him a sum of money superior to 2,500 euros.

The Thessaloniki public prosecutor was informed, who ordered a preliminary examination, as part of a thorough police investigation and correspondence with the relevant social media and Internet service companies were carried out. The investigation revealed that the account manager was a 26-year-old national at whose expense a regular fraud file was filed via the Internet.


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