FAZ: Probably will not win the elections, but he makes a mistake writing Chipra


Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung is currently publishing a commentary on the possible political consequences of a deadly fire under the heading "Testing".

According to RES, "natural disasters are a test for prime ministers, because they can fail or be reinforced." An example of this is Gerhard Schroder who, in 2002, galloped into the waters of Elbe flooded in Saxony marched towards a new electoral victory. […] But in Greece, natural disasters have already influenced electoral confrontations.The earthquake of 1999, during which 143 people died, helped Kostas Simitis to be re-elected in 2000 while the cool prime minister gave the impression of being a credible crisis manager.Symitis successor, Kostas Karamanlis, barely survived the 2007 fires , but the major fires that erupted two years later contributed to his defeat in the 2009 elections. "

According to FAZ, it is now decisive for him Tsiphra" the question of whether it can embody the right mix of compbadion towards the relatives of the victims and the determination in the badysis of the errors. As a talented and realistic populist a man of power, the Greek prime minister knows how this is done. In front of the tragedy, he declared a three-day national mourning, but also announced that he would later investigate whether this disaster could have been avoided if at least it had been reduced.

Based on some biographical details of the Prime Minister, FAZ notes that when Al took office, Tsipras "had no idea of ​​foreign policy and showed complete ignorance of how 39, EU and the euro area work. But these are gone. Tsipras learns quickly and in recent years his English has not improved. Tsipras will probably not be able to win the parliamentary elections scheduled for 2019. However, anyone who writes Tsipra is wrong. Contrary to the predecessor of Antonis Samaras, Tsipras is not a perversion of Greek history. The governance of Greece after 2009 is like trying to make bull in a rodeo. Nobody has so far resisted as much as Tsipras. "

Source euro2day.gr

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