Fire in PAGNI surgery – Surgery was in progress


Alarm signaling in PAGNI surgery, when a fire broke out while it was in a patient

A sign was now in the University Hospital of Heraklion, when a surgical fire broke out at the time of the surgery.

According to, the incident occurred shortly after 1 am. The cause of the fire that went on in the operating room was a short beam headlamp.

The fire was immediately extinguished, without dilating, while the medical and nursing staff showed immediate reflexes, ensuring that the patient came out of the room safe and sound.

"Fortunately, no one was in danger and all measures were taken.There was a short circuit that was immediately addressed.The staff responded very well to the incident," he said. underlined Yannis Tbadopoulos, commander of PAGNI, at Cretapost

After the incident, all the surgical operations planned in this room were canceled. "The small damage that has occurred will be treated and once again the room will work, "said Tbadopoulos.

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