For the first time in Greece Qatar LNG


For the first time in Greece, Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) comes from the world's largest producer of the product, Qatar

This cargo arrives at the end of the month, the information refers to the July 28, and brought by Mytilineos – the largest gas consumer on the Greek market – in accordance with [Qatar Petroleum] Qatar Gas,

The case with the energy giant, which is a vote in Greek society, had announced at the general meeting of shareholders, the president Evangelos Mytilene At the time, he stressed the importance of this agreement and that the Gazprom, Russia, for the supply of natural gas in terms of creating a competitive price and supply security portfolio that business activities need.

the first cargo of Qatar Gas is of the order of 140 thousand cubic meters The access obtained by Mytilineos to the largest LNG producer opens another source of '. competitive supply for the listed company. It reduces portfolio costs and creates flexibility in supply and seasonal demand for energy demand

At the same time, it is possible, as the relevant sources indicate, to badimilate freight on the domestic market and in neighboring countries. 19659002] In addition, the quantities of LNG, which will be stored in the premises of DESFA in Revythousa, cause a marked variation in the energy mix of the market while increasing its liquidity

as well recently stressed Evangelos Mytilineos, was the first to seek and break the monopoly on the LNG market in 2009

A few months ago, direct agreement with Russian Gazprom for the purchase of quantities of natural gas

And now he also brings Qatar's LNG for the first time


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