Freefall the pound after the appointment of Erdogan's groom to the MINISTER


The exchange rate of the new Turkish lira had fallen to 4.7: 1 against the dollar around 24.00 (Greek time), a few hours after Erdogan announced the appointment of Berat Albairaq, the 39, wife of his eldest daughter, The Turkish Lira loses nearly 3.5% of its value against the dollar on Monday at midnight after the announcement of the appointment of President-elect President-elect Tayyip Erdogan's appointment Turkish Finance Minister

The rate of new Turkish pounds had fallen to 4.7: 1 against the dollar by 24.00 (Greek time) compared to the price a day earlier, a few hours after Erdogan announced the appointment of Berat Albairaq, the wife of his eldest daughter, head of the finance ministry of his new 17-member government

The Turkish currency also dropped after the publication of a presidential decree earlier on Monday , with whom Erdogan has given himself the privilege of naming sword of governor of Turkish central bank without the consent of the governor

Albairak takes over the portfolio of Finance in a difficult economic context, with inflation rising, a fall in the currency and a large current account deficit despite growth robust Turkish economy

The markets, worried about Erdogan's pressure on the central credit institution, seem to have expressed their disapproval of the appointment.

The Turkish currency has been falling for weeks as economists warn of the risk of overheating the economy. Experts believe that the Turkish central bank must take action, especially to raise its interest rates more often, but President Erdogan is strongly opposed to this idea.

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