"A long-standing demand from retirees is satisfied," said Markos Bbadioukas, deputy director of the Unified Living and Lump Sum Fund
Since the beginning of the year, ETEAP the Court of First Instance made 18,500 lump sum decisions for a total amount of 303 million euros, reducing its arrears by 35%.
On June 30, 2018, lump sum claims were reduced to 31,318, 89.85 million euros. In June, ETEAP paid 3,246 additional beneficiaries, continually increasing the number of decisions it adopts per month
Regarding the amount of subsidy absorbed by ETEAP during the semester (1/1/2018 to 30 / 6) 2018), this represents EUR 203.73 million
As stated in the communication, the smooth functioning of the Fund has helped to achieve the objectives of repayment of its payment arrears and to absorb the corresponding amount of l & # 39; State. grant for the only time outstanding
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