From here on July 20, the ring will be in the center of Athens – SKAI (


All pbadenger cars and pbadenger cars up to a maximum weight of 2.2 tons can circulate freely in the center of Athens until the adoption of a ministerial decree. relevant.

All private cars and private cars with a maximum of [19659012] Kouvelis: No compensation in the case of Greek soldiers
D here on July 20, the Ring will be in the center of & nbsp; Athens
"In any case, we are not dealing with Erdogan at the level of clearing the two …
Mafia attack of henchmen on the planning officer of Santorini [19659006] The mayor of Santorini attacks an official of the city of Santorini …
] Λ today is the deadline for the submission of computerized files
The deadline to finalize and submit the computerized files is now closed on Monday, July 16 …
Trends in Mixed Fields and Educational Leaders See Guardian's Chair
Crete: 59 foreigners arrested for possession of false travel documents
Police proceeded to Arrest of 59 foreigners who tried to yager during the period 9 to 15 … [19659012] Kozani: Referee beating in a football tournament of football clubs
The football match between the football clubs of the badociations of lawyers … [19659008] The current police operation for spiral drug dislocation
of the Athens security subdivision for the dismantling of many …
Intensity and drop of eggs at a concentration of POEDIN outside the Ministry of the Economy
The intensity was noted earlier in the concentration of Panhellenic Federation of Workers Public Hospitals …
Commitment to 1,394 kg of fruit in a Piraeus enterprise
Cherries and apricots with a total weight of 1,394 kg were linked by food inspectors from the Department of Quality …

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