Gennimata: Elections to change the fate of the government POLITICS


The president of the Movement for Change, Fofi Gennimata, in an article in "The News" recalls in principle that "to see where things still lead a secret" negotiation "of Mr. Tsipra" had called for elections before the conclusion of a government agreement with the lenders. "Mr. Mitsotakis then spoke of the "autumn elections". He basically left Mr Tsipras committed to pursuing the conservative policy of austerity. Something that suits ND anyway, he adds.

Stressing that "all the dangers I mentioned are before us", Ms. Gennimata believes that the agreement is negative for the country. "This is not the end of the memoranda," he says, as the government "has already made commitments and reduced laws and has accepted rigorous oversight over the next few years," he said. there are no substantial arrangements for the country's public debt ". "The country's financing needs are not covered in the long term" and "social cohesion is not encouraged" because "the rich and the powerful are not affected, but the" marble "will be paid by the employees , retirees. , el

"Every day that pbades, they question the fact that the stay of the government in the sole cause of a government causes damage", noted Mr. Gennimatta, adding that if " the SYRIZA-ANEL government only "Greece can" under the following two conditions:

"1. Political change Let this government stop the descent. Changing political correlations and resolutely strengthening the movement of change to ensure national reconciliation and political stability

2. Change Policy With an integrated and reliable progressive government program. With Greek ownership and identity for all the reforms and changes that the site needs. "

" We can change the fate of this government's policy. The Greek people will have the situation in their hands. The only way is elections, "says Gennimatas.

(Source: ΑΠΕ-ΜΠΕ)

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