Greek tourism in a long-time homage to Austrian television


For more than four hours, the tribute to Greece – "One of the favorite holiday destinations in Austria", as mentioned in the corresponding announcement – lasts four hours, which featured the third public television program (ORF III)

This tribute includes five documentaries, in which, thanks to the work of their creators, the eminent directors Dennis Wells and Johannes Backes, the natural beauties of the diverse landscape of the Greece, Archaeological sites and their connection to Greek mythology

As the program announces, too many Austrians love Greece: among other things, "blue and white houses, treasures of mourning, Mediterranean food, sandy beaches, sand or pebbles and the friendly attitude of locals make the country one of the most sought-after holiday destinations, "and that's why the" Theme Monday »from ORF I It is dedicated to "dreamy Greek islands". [19659003] "The Cyclades", as mentioned, are located in the heart of the Aegean Sea and stand out with their picturesque villages and their bright locations, is the first of the five documentaries of the tribute, followed by "The Dodecanese" , where the district of Turkey and the controversy of the Greek and Turkish civilization "marked" the archipelago.

It follows that the "Crete", as it is emphasized, is the largest of Greek Islands, being the most southern part of Europe.

The sequel is made with the "Ionian Islands", among which Corfu and Zakynthos, which attract many visitors each year, as the announcement Austrian public television [19659003] The tribute is completed by the documentary "The Peloponnese", the most southerly, as indicated, end of the Balkan Peninsula, offering with its many historical sites an incomparable view of the Balkan Peninsula. Greek antiquity

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