Greeks prefer branded products – Offers reduce private label shares


Greek consumers' commitment to branded products remains high, because of the considerable savings generated by the offers, according to the results of the Institute for Research in the Retail Trade of Consumer Goods [19659002] Data from the annual national survey IELCA 2017/2018, a sample of 2,000 consumers from all over Greece shows that the Greek consumer has evolved a great deal with regard to the use and selection of branded products in large supermarket chains, but still mainly chooses

Available data on private label sales-shares have stabilized their penetration in the Greek market as a percentage of total sales (the percentage of sales of these products in relation to the total remain well below the European averages), nevertheless the qualitative elements of the survey con HELCA addicts show that these products are now inseparable

The consumer tends to mature in the selection of quality private label products over the years, but the majority still opts for branded products with shares of both categories featuring

Low share compared to other countries

In particular, according to Nielsen, the share of the value of private label products in the organized distribution (rooms above 100 square meters) in the category basket in fast motion was 25.3% in 2017 against 25.9% in 2016 (when eg. in countries like Germany and the United Kingdom, these percentages exceed 40%.)

The majority of consumers in the HELCA survey of consumers, about 2 in 3 (62%) consider higher quality products, 1 of 2

Important role of offers

An important role in this development has been played by the numerous and strong offers that have been made in recent years on the Greek market, with which branded products are offered in private competitive prices, even compared to the cheaper choices of private label products

It is significant that 57% of Greek consumers now prefer more offers – something that they invest in branded products – rather than low prices – something to

At the same time, however, the majority of consumers continue to increase the number of private label products they choose, but at a rhythm decreasing. This evidence shows that the penetration of these products into consumer baskets increases over time, albeit slowly, but that there is room for further growth of this penetration

The role of PL in the choice of supermarkets [19659004] However, the penetration rate of PL products is reflected in other survey data, with a stronger 43% of consumers claim that private label products are a major factor in the choice of a supermarket chain for markets. them.

This shows that the PL are now part of the corporate identity of the supermarket chain and part of their image to the public. It should be noted that this trend is more pronounced for some population groups

Differentiation in large urban centers

In large urban centers, this trend is not as pronounced as in the province . Men and families with children also tend to place greater importance on the choice of these products. But the point that stands out the most is that the cluster of consumers who consistently buy and often choose a discount store is by far the one that is most affected by choosing a supermarket chain among the private label products that it's having. Is waiting to find. an important opportunity for retailers in Greece to obtain a competitive advantage in the right strategy for the products with which they will identify

It is worth mentioning that the quality of these products has s & # 39; has improved in recent years and the majority of respondents (58%) believe that private label products are as good as their branded products

This is the result of the long-term investment of major chains supermarkets in local partnerships. producers who have led many retailers to present their own ranges of products with a distinct identity and local Greek quality products

The image of the company through PL

There There is one more parameter that focuses on the importance and extensions of private label products for the branding of a supermarket

L & # 39; survey explores how they evaluate the overall product picture of the main supermarket chain from which consumers and PL (PL fans) and the rest of them

It seems that in all settings , resource optimization, fresh products, variety and quality, evaluation of PL fans is significantly better than the rest of the audience. This shows that retailers who are successful in conquering the buyer market with their own high quality "brands" have an added advantage because their branding of unbranded and branded products is improved in the eyes of the consumer.

consumer perception by the consumer

The consumer who has a positive perception of the PL considers that he enjoys a greater variety, quality and value. Specifically, in the fresh produce segment where the biggest difference in evaluation is 66% compared to 82%, the degree of badociation of fresh product categories with private label products is seen

. , fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, etc. are not labeled or at least not promoted in this way, in the eyes of the consumer they are identified with PL and are badociated with them

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