Handelsblatt: "Even fires do not affect tourism in Greece" World


"Even the fires on the outskirts of Athens, where at least 88 people have died at the eye, do not affect tourism so far." a fire, no cancellation has been reported by travel agents.In the first six months of 2018, the number of tourists increased by 10.5% at the airport Eleftherios Venizelos. Athens, writes Handelsblatt, who notes that the tourism sector is helping the country out of the crisis, but the fall of Turkish value

The financial newspaper of Dusseldorf also notes: "Tails in front of the Acropolis, a Tangle of beaches, plenty of hotel bookings. Tourism in Greece is growing for the sixth year in a row. "We are closed until October," says Haralambos Stefanidis, who has a small boarding house in Paros. "Last year was very smooth, but in 2018, it's even better," says the hotelier, and points out that the number of tourists visiting Greece could reach 35 million, but "even more than the number of tourists increases". returned. According to the Bank of Greece, tourists earned nearly 1.5 billion euros in revenue in May, an increase of 35% over the previous year. "

Handselsblatt further points out that" the first five months tourism revenues grew by 22% and this increase is mainly due to German visitors, who gained 65% more revenue in the country. In 2017, Greece was the number one destination for travel destinations, and as travel agencies like Tui, Thomas Cook and Neckermann report a further increase over the previous year.

Finally, the German newspaper reputedly the sharp increase in Chinese tourists. "The absolute numbers are still small. Of the 27 million tourists who visited the country last year, only 120,000 came from China. By 2020, however, 500,000 visitors are expected from China, and that's just the beginning, as Tourism Minister Kountura said. "

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