Haritsis: The role of cooperative banks is important


"Co-operative banks can play an important role in strengthening local SMEs, the local economy needs and can rely on co-operative banks, and we are pleased that the management of the Thessaly Co-operative Bank has emphasized that The government and the ministry have made considerable efforts to use all financial tools, and today, in all NSRF programs, co-operative banks are also involved in the European project, which is an event very important. "

Deputy Minister of Economy and Finance Alexis Charitsis told the Athenian Agency a meeting that he held today with the 39, administration of the Cooperative Bank of Thessaly as part of his trip to the city of Trikala

M. Haritsis also stressed that the will of the government was also supporting the shadow banking system, arguing that "in the past there were political plans aimed at the dissolution and disappearance of the cooperative banking movement."

On the occasion of the meeting with the mayors of the Trikala Regional Council, Harizis told ANA-MPA that the government is satisfied with the existence of mayors who "regardless of their political convictions recognize the Major effort of the government to find financial resources so that "

The Deputy Minister of the Economy and Development also said that all previous years" the small municipalities had been left at their mercy " and argued that efforts were being made by the NSRF, but also with other tools such as

Mr. Haritsis also told the Athenian-Macedonian News Agency that during the meeting with the mayors , issues related to local infrastructure projects, such as the construction of municipal buildings, were discussed but also issues related to thematic tourism, etc.

Among other things, hoses, the deputy minister said that an important issue of the debates with the mayors was the issue of clandestinity of municipalities and raised a dilemma about which – as he said – "we are in favor recruiting to fill the gaps, especially in the technical services to allow the realization of major projects, or we will follow a logic of layoffs that we see being promoted by some powers of antipoliticians yse and the municipal sector, but also in d & # 39; other aspects of public administration? He said.

Finally, on the occasion of his visit to the Tsilili- K. Tsililis SA distillery and the Violanda SA biscuits industry, Mr. Haritsis stated that it is important for the country that There are companies with a strong export orientation and pointed out that "the government is trying to boost exports which have been the growth guide lately F (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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