He was arrested at "El. Venizelos" with 7.5 kg of heroin – Newsbeast


A 35-year-old Pakistani was arrested at the Athens International Airport "Eleftherios Venizelos" by police officers of the Ministry of Justice for the importation of heroin [19659002] The alien arrived in Greece from Pakistan via Cairo In his luggage, three packets of self-made heroin of a total weight of 7 kg and 586 grams, which were seized. In addition, the sum of 400, 7,500 rupees in Pakistan and two mobile phones were seized

The arrested man was taken to the prosecutor of the Athens court of first instance, who l 'him. referred to a regular investigator, according to the Athens Press Agency. (F, f, f, f, q, f, q, f, q, f, q, f) callMethod?
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