Headaches for companies currency volatility – economic news of the day


In particular, the majority (70%) of CFOs argue that its profits According to a global survey conducted among 200 CFOs and about 300 treasurers, the turnover of their has declined over the last two years due to the non-hedging of currency risk

. More than half of the CFOs believe that the currency risk is for the business manageable risk difficult. These concerns reflect the increasing volatility of currencies during a period of macroeconomic and geopolitical uncertainty.

A variable interest rate environment in many countries also has an impact on corporate profits. 60% of all CFOs said that interest rates had an impact on their profits, and 70% of CFOs in America claimed that their business had been damaged due to rising rates of interest. ;interest. However, nearly half of CFOs pointed out that interest rate risk is an issue that can be managed effectively.

"The survey highlights the importance for companies to have robust risk management mechanisms, taking into account the economic risks of inefficient management, particularly in an environment more and more uncertain " Frédéric Boillereau Director of Global FX & Commodities and Head of Global Business Services at HSBC

Strengthening of Treasury Sections

Survey data shows that CFOs see their own role becomes partner of the CEO of the company they are asking more and more Treasury Department officials to provide support on strategic issues.

While 73% of financial managers say the role of their treasurer has been strengthened, 57% are not yet fully convinced that the treasurer has the skills to badume this new role. The work is becoming more and more demanding for treasurers as they have to deal with new challenges, with 53% of them stating that changes in the exchange rate environment will have a significant impact on the risk management strategy at the end of the year. over the next three years. 659002] While 57% of treasurers want to improve their team's risk management skills, only 32% of CFOs have increased their cash flow over the last two years. However, there is optimism that their demand is being heard, with two-thirds of CFOs waiting for Treasury Divisions to boost their business over the next two years.


Digitization of Treasury Segments is seen as a trend that can help companies improve their risk management strategies. 59% of treasurers report that digitization is expected to have a significant impact on their company's risk management strategy over the next three years. 57% say that they intend to strengthen the digitization skills of their team.

" Banks can help companies achieve their goals by providing integrated risk management solutions by developing digital tools and providing strategic information gained through in-depth knowledge of local and global markets. Rahul Badhwar Global Services General Manager, HSBC Public Side

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