The weather should be generally sunny Friday, with temporary rains recorded in the afternoon on the mainland mountain.
Winds blow northwest from 3 to 5 and locally 6 beaufort
Select the city you want in the following weather application to see the time at which it will be present in next 4 days:
from the National Technical University of Athens:
Weather: generally atrium. (19459011) Wind: northwest 3 to 5 and gradually from the afternoon variable from 3 to 4 and temporarily morning north to 5 beaufort
from 23 to 34 degrees Celsius. At the edge of the sea the maximum of 2 to 3 degrees lower
Weather: generally atrium. (19459011) Temperature: 23 to 33 degrees Celsius
Wind: northwest 4 to 5 and gradually variable afternoon 3 to 4 Beaufort
Temperature: 23 to 33 degrees Celsius [19659007] Macedonia, Thrace
Weather: Generally atrium. Partly cloudy with showers and thunderstorms mostly in the mountains.
Wind: northwest 3 to 5 and gradually varying from 3 to 4 degrees in the afternoon
Temperature: 19 to 33 degrees Celsius. In West Macedonia 2 to 3 degrees lower
Ionian Islands, Epirus, Western Sterea, Western Peloponnese
Weather: usually atrium. Wind: West northwest 3 to 5 and afternoon in the Ionian region 6 Beaufort
Temperature: 20 to 35 degrees Celsius. In Epirus 2 with 3 degrees lower
Thessaly, Eastern Sterea, Euboea, Eastern Peloponnese
Weather: Usually atrium. (19459011) Temperature: 21 to 36 degrees Celsius
Winds: variable from 3 to 4 and temporarily in the morning in the north directions up to 5 Beaufort
Temperature: 21 to 36 degrees Celsius [19659007] ] Cyclades, Crete
Weather: usually atrium.
Winds: North direction 3 to 5 Beaufort
Temperature: from 24 to 31 and in Crete from 33 degrees Celsius
Eastern Aegean Islands, Dodecanese [19659006] Weather: Usually Atrium. Partly cloudy sky north in the afternoon
Wind: northwest 4 to 5 and local south 6 beaufort
Temperature: 23 to 32 degrees Celsius
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