IAP requests the intervention of the prosecution for the situation in ASOEE – Dikaiologitika News


The announcement of the APP

The Athens Bar Association, seized by a majority of its board of directors, expresses its deep concern at what is unacceptable at the Athens University of Economics and Commerce, but also in other universities . The prevalence of lawlessness in these places, due in large part to the total indifference of the organized state, humiliates and devalues ​​public higher education in our country, but it does not exist. also opposes the very heart of a state-coordinated operation. The various innovative theories that transfer responsibilities to the academic community or even to students are unacceptable, unrelated to our legal culture and lead to dangerous paths. Principles to finally exercise their functions. Otherwise, we will take all necessary measures to ensure that everyone badumes their responsibilities, especially those who tolerate and encourage their illegality.

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